Brian Dean Humor


TO: Middle managers
FROM: Brewster Munson
SUBJECT: Reaction to Pride Week

I am pleased to report that yesterday's announcement of our Pride Week celebration has been met with great enthusiasm by a small, but vocal, group of employees.

This morning, my assistant Ramon expressed great delight at the Pride Week idea. He practically danced into my office with a dozen roses for my desk.

"You don't know what this means to me, and to dozens of others in this company," he said. "To have the company embracing my identity is exciting beyond words!"

Evidently Ramon is a dedicated Star Wars fan. He has volunteered to help us generate national attention for our Pride Week celebration, using his contacts in New York and San Francisco.

Also, it seems our Pride Weeks idea has spread to other companies and organizations. There's even talk of a parade on Saturday. Ramon suggested we allow the parade to end at the same park as our picnic, a tactic that would increase the chance of television coverage.

I declined Ramon's invitation to ride on one of the parade floats. I will, however, wear a special sash and some sort of celebratory headgear Ramon will design. (He's being a bit secretive. All he would say was, "You'll be surprised.")

Perhaps we should all adopt some of that same enthusiasm. In that spirit, I have commissioned a new banner for the lobby. It reads, "Pride Week: Prepare to be Surprised!" BM signature



NEXT MEMO: The Heatwave Memo
