Brian Dean Humor


TO: Middle managers
FROM: Brewster Munson
SUBJECT: Pride Week

I have begun receiving reports that an unusual number of employees have scheduled doctor and dentist appointments for May 4th, the so-called Star Wars day.

I am concerned that large numbers of our employees will be tempted to engage in Unauthorized Worktime Absences (UWAs), thereby lowering productivity.

The Executive Committee has agreed on a series of preemptive measures designed to prevent large-scale UWAs.

Starting five days before the 4th, the entire company will begin a campaign called Pride Week, with the slogan, "Pride in Our Company, Pride in Our Work."  Here are the main features of the campaign:

With the good feelings we'll generate with Pride Week and the picnic, the majority of our employees should be able to make an appropriate decision vis-a-vis an absence day, and remain in the building for the entire work day. (Note: we will institute increased Internet monitoring and name recording.) BM signature



NEXT MEMO: Pride Week Reaction
