Brian Dean Humor


TO: Middle managers
FROM: Brewster Munson
SUBJECT: Nostril Penetration

Recent analysis of the Employee Video Monitoring System has brought to light a disturbing and unprofessional behavior on the part of some of our employees.

It seems that thirteen percent of observed employees practice occasional or repeated cleaning of the interior surfaces of their nostils. Although this practice takes place in the "privacy" of an individual's cubicle, it nevertheless reduces productivity and contributes to a growing solid waste disposal problem.

Middle managers are therefore asked to implement the following practices:

With these simple precautions, we expect to significantly reduce or eliminate this disgusting behavior.

If you do encounter an employee with a persistent nasal penetration problem, simply forward the employee's name to our new Nostril Penetration Task Force Manager, Booker J. Washington. BM signature



NEXT MEMO: The No Stroll Memo
