Brian Dean Humor

Traffic Circles

traffic circle?

We see "traffic circles" all over the world. They are supposed to replace traffic lights and ensure smooth transitions at intersections. Sounds innocent enough at first reading, right?

But do they have a hidden purpose? Is there something the governments of the Earth are not telling their people?

Ask yourself, "Why do we only see "traffic circles" in big cities? After all, we have traffic in rural areas, but no traffic circles. Let's look at the facts.

Since 1947, the U.S. Government has amassed highly-classified images and dimensions for over 26 types of extra-terrestrial craft.

One of these types, the 2A Troop Ship, is the same diameter as 68% of known traffic circles. (Some circles are larger, and mother ship-sized circles can be found in 18 national capitols.)

So, alert citizens, continue to watch the skies, and if you spot the Invasion Fleet, stay away from traffic circles!
